Project title:

Transilvanian Furniture Cluster – Innovative cluster of European interest

Project acronym:



September 2016 - August 2022

Program / Financer:

Competitiveness Operational Program 2014-2020

Priority axis: 1. Research, technological development and innovation (CDI) in support of economic competitiveness and business development

Investment priority PI.1 a. Improving research and innovation infrastructures and capacities to develop RDI excellence and to promote competence centres, especially those of European interest. Action: 1.1.1. Large CD infrastructures.

Project type: Innovation clusters


  • Transylvanian Furniture Cluster Association
  • Napochim SA
  • Ax Perpetuum Impex SRL
  • Salice Comprod SRL
  • Hygia Consult SRL

Countries where activities are carried out:

  • Romania

General project objective:

The development at the level of the Transylvanian Furniture Cluster of an R&D infrastructure in the field of materials and the consolidation of the entity's image as an innovative cluster with regional, national and international representativeness.

Hygia involvement:

The Hygia team was involved in the development of the Transylvanian Furniture Cluster strategy and this project idea, and in the implementation stage it dealt with the implementation of specific project management activities such as communication with the financer, technical and financial reporting, preparation of economic missions and the organization of events of interest with the aim of achieving the objectives proposed by the project.