Andreea Melian-Urs is a consultant within Hygia since 2019 and she specializes in the development and implementation of domestic and international projects, she has experience in the development of strategic planning, being involved in the development of the strategy for the AgroTransilvania Cluster.

She is currently involved in the implementation of projects in the field of bioeconomy, such as: “AgroTransilvania Cluster - Innovative Cluster specialized in the field of bioeconomy”, “Systemic Innovations Towards a Zero Food Waste Supply Chain”, “AgroTransilvania Cluster - Centre for research, development, innovation and support in the field of bioeconomy” and "European Network to promote grazing and to support grazing-based farms on their economic and ecological performances as well as on animal welfare”. She was also involved in the implementation of the “Learn2Do4Entrepreneurship” and “8 X S3 = Smart Romania” projects, as well as in the organization of events.

The organizational spirit, perseverance and ability to work efficiently both in a team and autonomously, helped Andreea to reach a high level of performance in the projects she took part in.

In relations with colleagues, she shows leadership skills and stands out for her self-control and responsibility. Attention to details, openness to learning new things, patience and the ability to listen to the needs of the people she interacts with are the qualities that help her every day in her consulting work.

Andreea is a graduate of the educational professional training program Learn Consulting, Do Consulting (LCDC), initiated and run by Hygia, 2019 Edition.

  • PhD – “Management of agriculture and sustainable development”, Faculty of Horticulture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca;
  • Master's degree – “Management in Rural Development and Agrotourism”, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca;
  • Bachelor's degree - Engineering, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca;
  • ANC accredited certificates: “Project Evaluator” and “Project Manager”.